Партнерская программа Wolt DEU, SRB, CYP, GEO, JPN, LTU, LVA, MLT

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CR 0%
Подтверждение 78.8%
Подтверждение 78.8%
Средн. обработка 76 дней
Средн. обработка 76 дней
PostClick cookie 45 дней
Среднее время оплаты 76 дней



Информация о комисси доступна только для авторизованных пользователей


Информация о партнерской программе Wolt DEU, SRB, CYP, GEO, JPN, LTU, LVA, MLT

Wolt makes it incredibly easy for you to discover and get what you want. Delivered to you – quickly, reliably and affordably. And by doing so, we make cities better places to live.

Having delicious food from best restaurants delivered or grocery at your convenience. Wolt provide great technology an exciting growth potential. Become a part of this partnership.

Wolt makes it incredibly easy for you to discover and get what you want. Delivered to you – quickly, reliably and affordably. And by doing so, we make cities better places to live.

Having delicious food from best restaurants delivered or grocery at your convenience. Wolt provide great technology an exciting growth potential. Become a part of this partnership.

Wolt is NOT just another food delivery company!
“We are committed to make the cities we operate in better places to live. We are also committed to do the right thing towards our teammates, partners, customers, and the general public.”

  • Cookie-Lifetime: 30 Days
  • hundreds of restaurants
  • Swift validation time (max. 14 days)

Allowed Segments:

  • Cash-back
  • Voucher & Deals
  • Meta-search: Bing only
  • Price comparison
  • Blogs and Social media
  • Loyalty
  • Targeting ads in Social media

Attention!  Tracking link works only in allowed Geos