Партнерская программа Wish Many GEOs
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Партнерская программа Wish Many GEOs является частью сети Admitad
Чтобы начать сотрудничать с программой и зарабатывать, сначала нужно зарегистрироваться в системе.
Почему Admitad?
- подробная статистика и полезные инструменты,
- экспресс-выплаты,
- многообразие партнерских программ,
- доверие 645738 веб-мастеров,
- еще многое-многое другое.
Wish is an online e-commerce platform that facilitates transactions between sellers and buyers. Wish is Shopping Made Fun. Shop millions of quality products at deep, deep discounts!
Brand bidding, brand misspellings or variations, combinations of brand plus keyword bidding are forbidden.
Direct linking to Wish.com using search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.) is forbidden. All SEM ads have to land on the publisher’s website. Bidding on Wish’s vendors or competitors’ keywords is forbidden.
Important message!
Among the products presented on the site there are items that can be bought for free (the client pays only for delivery, which is not paid in the model's CPA). These orders with a zero order amount are not paid by the advertiser.
Attention! There is no way to add lost orders on the program.