Партнерская программа Urban Ladder [CPS] IN

Похожие программы
EPC 206$
CR 0.2%
Подтверждение 88.9%
Подтверждение 88.9%
Средн. обработка 60 дней
Средн. обработка 60 дней
PostClick cookie 7 дней
Среднее время оплаты 115 дней



Информация о комисси доступна только для авторизованных пользователей

Информация о партнерской программе Urban Ladder [CPS] IN

Company Description: Urban Ladder is a design-led, omnichannel brand offering end-to-end furniture and home decor solutions. With over 5000 designs across 35 categories such as living, dining, bedroom, study, and decor. Urban Ladder was established as an online-first brand in 2012. Urban Ladder has distinguished itself as a design-led brand that has established a prominent place in the urban Indian home. Its furniture and decor products are closely curated and designed by its in-house design and sourcing teams. 

Campaign Description: Urban Ladder provides an opportunity for its affiliate to promote the campaign on the CPS (cost per sale) model, In which they allow multiple promotion methods which are selected in traffic sources. Affiliates have to divert the traffic to the advertiser's website and generate sales for them. This campaign is for PAN India and only for allowed promotional methods.

Cookie time: 7 days

Objective: The objective is to generate sales by diverting the users to the advertiser's website through affiliate links.

NO APP ATTRUBUTION (Its only website and msite)