Партнерская программа Stradivarius PL

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EPC 1$
CR 0%
Подтверждение 73.5%
Подтверждение 73.5%
Средн. обработка 73 дней
Средн. обработка 73 дней
PostClick cookie 30 дней
Среднее время оплаты 79 дней



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Информация о партнерской программе Stradivarius PL

Welcome to the Stradivarius PL Affiliate Programme!

Spanish fashion retailer Stradivarius, is part of the Inditex group that owns brands including Zara, Bershka and Massimo Dutti. We welcome you to join our PL affiliate programme.

Stradivarius (Zara's little sister) is a women's fashion retailer founded in 1994 and later became part of the Inditex Group in 1999. There are more than 900 stores in 60 countries around the world. The online store was launched in 2011 and now operates in 17 countries worldwide.

Stradivarius aims to help each woman to find her own, personal style. Therefore, Stradivarius offers an ample selection of clothing, footwear and accessories to women with a trendy lifestyle and who live their passion for fashion, style and creativity to the full each day.

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