Партнерская программа Saramart WW

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EPC 5$
CR 1.1%
Подтверждение 84.5%
Подтверждение 84.5%
Средн. обработка 58 дней
Средн. обработка 58 дней
PostClick cookie 30 дней
Среднее время оплаты 73 дней



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Информация о партнерской программе Saramart WW

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Unique promo codes are available. 

Available countries for tracking unique promo codes you may find here.

Welcome to Saramart, your one and only online shopping mall featuring millions of high-quality, low-priced products. We will show you the products available all over the world with your favorite design and popular accessories. Saramart is an international e-commerce company.


  • Top categories: WomenClothing, MenClothing, Shoes, Home, BabyProduct, 3C, CarUse, Accessories,  Makeups
  • 100% FREE delivery
  • App/MobileSite/PC are available
  • Cookie:30 days
  • Exclusive coupon code, Creatives, Product feed is available. We are also able to create the top list according to your requirements.
  • Unique promo codes

TOP countries: FR/UK/DE/IT/ES

You may find the list of weekly best-selling items here.

- No branding keywords
Negative keywords list: saramart, sara, and variant words related to brand word.

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Saramart WW Affiliate Program