Партнерская программа Newme [Android,IOS,CPT] IN

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EPC 1955$
CR 7.1%
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PostClick cookie 7 дней
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Информация о комисси доступна только для авторизованных пользователей

Информация о партнерской программе Newme [Android,IOS,CPT] IN

Brand Description: NEWME is a real-time fashion company that caters to Gen Z across India. Celebrating diversity and individualism, NEWME enables Gen Z to express themselves through the latest fashion trends that are both accessible and affordable. We offer products that are unique, different, and a little bit extra!

Campaign Description: NEWME provides an opportunity for publishers to earn a commission every time a customer purchases any product from the NEWME app via Admitad’s affiliate link.

Target Geo: India

Currently, we are not getting attribution for Msite and Website.

Validation Window: 25th of every month

Cookie Lifetime: 7 Days