Партнерская программа Manipal Cigna Health Insurance [CPA] IN

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EPC 1122$
CR 0%
Подтверждение 100%
Подтверждение 100%
Средн. обработка 38 дней
Средн. обработка 38 дней
PostClick cookie 30 дней
Среднее время оплаты 42 дней



Информация о комисси доступна только для авторизованных пользователей


Информация о партнерской программе Manipal Cigna Health Insurance [CPA] IN

Company Description: ManipalCigna Health Insurance Company Limited (formerly known as CignaTTK Health Insurance Company Limited) is a joint venture between the Manipal Group, a leader in the field of healthcare delivery and higher education in India and Cigna Corporation, a global health services company with presence in 30+ countries and serving 160 million+ customers around the world. With a deep focus on health and wellness, ManipalCigna Health Insurance offers a full suite of insurance solutions ranging from health, personal accident, a major illness, travel and global care to individual customers, employer-employee, and non-employer-employee groups to meet their diverse health needs.

Campaign Description: It is a CPL(cost per lead) campaign wherein we must bring quality leads for Manipal Cigna Health Insurance. Advertisers offering their affiliates to run it in Pan India. All allowed promotional methods are selected under traffic sources. 

Targeting audience:

  • Age: 22-55yrs
  • Income: 7 lakhs P.A
  • Interests: Finance, Lifestyle, Insurance 

Campaign Objective: To generate quality Leads for Manipal Cigna Health Insurance. This is an offline campaign