Партнерская программа Kiwi Cards [CPA] IN

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EPC 76$
CR 0.9%
Подтверждение 0%
Подтверждение 0%
Средн. обработка
Средн. обработка
PostClick cookie 7 дней
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Информация о комисси доступна только для авторизованных пользователей

Информация о партнерской программе Kiwi Cards [CPA] IN

Company Discription: Kiwi is at the forefront of the digital payment revolution in India, offering an innovative solution that merges the convenience of UPI with the benefits of a rewards-based credit card.
This unique platform provides users with the ability to earn substantial rewards on every transaction made via the UPI RuPay network, enhancing the overall transaction experience.
Whether you're shopping online, paying bills, or transferring money, Kiwi makes every transaction smooth, secure, and rewarding. Embrace the future of payments with Kiwi.

Campaign description:  Pay using your virtual credit card with no minimum spend amount and With Kiwi, you can pay across all UPI apps. We’re platform-agnostic.


Objective: Virtual Card Generation
Payout Model: CPCG(Card Generation)
Attribution Platform: Appsflyer
This is only Android Campaign

Daily Reporting: Offline