Партнерская программа Hello Chef AE links & promo codes

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EPC 24$
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Подтверждение 79.3%
Подтверждение 79.3%
Средн. обработка 37 дней
Средн. обработка 37 дней
PostClick cookie 90 дней
Среднее время оплаты 37 дней



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Информация о партнерской программе Hello Chef AE links & promo codes

Say hello to a new way of cooking

Delicious recipes. Delivered by us, made by our customers

Why choose us?

  • Convenience
  1. Pre-measured ingredients & easy recipes
  2. Contactless, doorstep delivery across UAE
  3. Skip a delivery or cancel anytim
  • Variety
  1. New recipes every week
  2. 20 dishes to choose from
  3. Low-calorie & family-friendly options
  • Deliciousness
  1. No skimpin' on the portion size!
  2. 100% satisfaction guarantee, or we will make it right
  3. Fresh ingredients from local, trusted suppliers

Hello Chef is a Dubai-based meal-kit service that delivers chef-curated recipes and pre-portioned fresh ingredients across the UAE. We simplify home cooking by providing convenient, varied, and healthy meals. With our home delivery, customers spend less time meal planning and grocery shopping, and more time enjoying delicious food with loved ones.