Партнерская программа Go City [CPS] Many Geos

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EPC 1072$
CR 2.1%
Подтверждение 73.6%
Подтверждение 73.6%
Средн. обработка 37 дней
Средн. обработка 37 дней
PostClick cookie 90 дней
Среднее время оплаты 54 дней



Информация о комисси доступна только для авторизованных пользователей


Информация о партнерской программе Go City [CPS] Many Geos

Company Description : Go City® (formerly Leisure Pass Group) has shaped the future of the multi-attraction pass industry by enabling online pre-purchase of attractions, tours, and activities. Sightseers love the budget certainty, greater choice, on-the-ground flexibility and overall value our Go City multi-attraction passes deliver. In 2017, Europe’s Leisure Pass and the USA’s Smart Destinations and New York Pass came together to form the global brand of Go City, giving us greater reach and ambition as we expand into new markets. Today Go City is the largest multi-attraction pass business in the world, with an estimated 65% market share and operating in 25+ cities and five continents. Our growing teams in London, Boston, Singapore and New York help millions of sightseers enjoy new cities, incredible attractions, tours, experiences, activities and great savings. In the past two years, we’ve doubled the number of passes sold.

Campaign Description : GoCity provides it's user an opportunity to earn good revenue in case the booking is done using publisher link.

Objective : To generate bookings for GoCity.