Партнерская программа Debenhams UK

Похожие программы
EPC 2$
CR 1.6%
Подтверждение 83.7%
Подтверждение 83.7%
Средн. обработка 100 дней
Средн. обработка 100 дней
PostClick cookie 30 дней
Среднее время оплаты 110 дней



Информация о комисси доступна только для авторизованных пользователей

Информация о партнерской программе Debenhams UK

Debenhams UK Affiliate Programme

Please note Debenhams will not pay commission to affiliates carrying out any unauthorized brand bidding for the duration the bidding takes place. CSS affiliates are only allowed with written permission of Debenhams.
App Sales                      
Debenhams does not have an app.                   
Note that affiliates are not permitted to scrape the website for information              

From time to time, Debenhams may share details of upcoming campaigns or promotions with its affiliates under embargo. Affiliates must not share this information publicly or with any other company ahead of its launch date, when an embargo is in place. Doing so may result in loss of commissions and/or termination from the programme.