Партнерская программа ControlZ World [CPS] IN

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Информация о партнерской программе ControlZ World [CPS] IN

Company Description: ControlZ is a disruptor in the smartphone industry whose mission is to inspire conscious consumption by making an old device aspirational. Control Z vision is to inspire conscious consumption by making an old device aspirational.


Negative keywords: Controlz, Controlz world


Campaign Description: Controlz allows its affiliate to promote the campaign on the CPS (cost per sale) model, In which they allow multiple promotion methods selected in traffic sources. Affiliates have to divert the traffic to the advertiser's website and generate sales for them. This campaign is for PAN India and only for allowed promotional methods.


Cookie time: 7 days


Objective: The objective is to generate sales by diverting the users to the advertiser's website through affiliate links.