Партнерская программа Coach FR ES IT DE

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EPC 8$
CR 0.9%
Подтверждение 93.5%
Подтверждение 93.5%
Средн. обработка 80 дней
Средн. обработка 80 дней
PostClick cookie 14 дней
Среднее время оплаты 80 дней



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Информация о партнерской программе Coach FR ES IT DE

Founded in a New York loft in 1941, COACH began as a family-run workshop of six leather artisans committed to quality and innovation. COACH has evolved into an iconic luxury brand recognized worldwide for its artisanal leatherware and custom hardware.

Still located in New York City, COACH continues to combine traditional craftsmanship with innovative design to create modern accessories and gifts for women and men, including handbags, women's and men's small leather goods, business cases, weekend and travel accessories, footwear, watches, outerwear, scarves, sunwear, jewelry, fragrance and related accessories.

Coach is a modern American luxury brand with a rich heritage rooted in quality and craftsmanship. All over the world, the Coach name is synonymous with the ease and sophistication of New York style.

A wide variety of regularly updated links and banners
Association with a well-respected brand name

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