Партнерская программа Burton UK

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EPC 6$
CR 2.1%
Подтверждение 88.5%
Подтверждение 88.5%
Средн. обработка 72 дней
Средн. обработка 72 дней
PostClick cookie 30 дней
Среднее время оплаты 97 дней



Информация о комисси доступна только для авторизованных пользователей


Информация о партнерской программе Burton UK

Burton – The Brand

Established back in 1903 by Montague Burton, the brands had a pretty interesting history - from suiting soldiers at the end of WW1, to suiting the 1966 winning England squad. 

Burton offers smart, modern tailoring for your work wardrobe to your black tie events and beyond. Complete the look with shoes, shirts, and formal accessories. Our casual daywear has everything you need from everyday jeans to casual tees and seasonal coats & jackets.

Burton – the customer

Burton men are typically between 25-35 years but can range from 18-40.
Women buying for the men in their lives play a significant role in dressing them – so they're a really key customer. At peak trade, the female customer makes up a significant 70% of the customer segment.

• Socio economic profile ABC1C2 (68% married, 41% with children, 77% working full time)
• Status – happily single, cohabiting or newly married.
• Hobbies – he likes going to the pub, having mates over dining out with the missus, DIY, holidays in the Med (Stag dos, weekends away with the boys, with girlfriend or partner).
• Lifestyle – playing/watching sports, likes his mainstream bands, interested in technology, cars, health aware and likes to do a bit of male grooming.
• Media consumption – Sky Sports, Soccer AM, Gavin Stacey, Top Gear, The Mail, The Sun, The Mirror Sunday supplements.

Burton – the website

We're now a pure-play online only business. Our customer likes to shop at home, and enjoys our dynamic offers and compelling promotions. Special discounts are also offered to specific customer groups like our newsletter subscribers and Student Cardholders.