Партнерская программа Astrapay [CPA] ID
Похожие программыИнформация о партнерской программе Astrapay [CPA] ID
Партнерская программа Astrapay [CPA] ID является частью сети Admitad
Чтобы начать сотрудничать с программой и зарабатывать, сначала нужно зарегистрироваться в системе.
Почему Admitad?
- подробная статистика и полезные инструменты,
- экспресс-выплаты,
- многообразие партнерских программ,
- доверие 645738 веб-мастеров,
- еще многое-многое другое.
AstraPay is a mobile-based payment service issued by PT. Astra Digital Arta (with the AstraPay trademark). AstraPay is an electronic money service, and the value of electronic money managed in AstraPay is not a deposit as referred to in the Law governing banking.
All fraudulent activities will be recorded digitally in cyberspace and may potentially be informed to the public through social media and can be used as legal evidence according to the prevailing laws on electronic information and transactions in the event of dispute resolution and law enforcement.
Campaign Description: Astrapay allows publishers to earn a commission every time a user registers through Admitad's affiliate link.
Target Geo: Indonesia
Cookie time: 7 days
Allowed Traffic: Mentioned in the traffic sources tab.
Validation Cycle: 10 days
Tracking: Appsflyer
Objective: To increase the number of completed registrations for the Astrapay Indonesia campaign.
AstraPay allows its publisher to earn good revenue if the user completes registration using a publisher link.