Партнерская программа Apple Music Many Geos

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Информация о комисси доступна только для авторизованных пользователей


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Информация о партнерской программе Apple Music Many Geos

Music product information: https://www.apple.com/in/apple-music/

Over 100 million songs and 30,000 playlists, always ad‑free.

Experience Spatial Audio for sound that surrounds you. (Compatible hardware and software are required. Not all content is available in Dolby Atmos.)

Sing along to real-time lyrics with Apple Music Sing.

Listen across all your devices, online or off.

Explore the world’s largest classical music catalogue.

Campaign Message: Free 1-month trial

Apple Music

New subscribers get 1 month of Apple Music free, then pay ₹99 per month.

  • *New subscribers only. ₹99/month after free trial. Plan automatically renews until cancelled. Terms apply.
  • ◊New subscribers only. ₹99/month after trial. Offer is available for a limited time to new subscribers who purchase and activate a new iPhone. Offer is valid for 3 months after eligible iPhone activation. Only one offer per Apple ID, regardless of the number of devices you purchase. Offer cannot be combined with other free trials or offers for Apple Music. Plan automatically renews until cancelled. Restrictions and other terms apply.

Any publisher that’s interested in promoting Apple Music will need an approve from Apple. 

If any of the Loyalty or Financial Affiliate Partners work with privacy/setting up the links/data passback they should signing Side Letter.